It is tough to be enjoying life! I don’t have time to the more serious things as writing on my blog or stay in touch with friends and family…
But, here I am for a short notice!
I finished my dive master course in September and started working right after and it is great fun. Of course you meet all kinds of divers, some good some really bad. The bad ones are tough while it lasts but they make the best stories afterwards… Like when I have six divers going in six different directions at six different depths and ignoring all my requests and signals so all I do the entire dive is counting people to make sure I don’t loose any! Or when a diver suddenly signals me he is low on air after 15 minutes and we are at 20 meters so I have to take the entire group up immediately. Or when I find some really cool stuff and all the customers want to do is look at the Nemo fish…
Recently I have seen a lot of reeeally nice stuff at Mabul. Just to mention some of it: a lot of different kinds of shrimps, morays and lionfish. Hunting bluespotted stingrays, giant morays, a lot of frogfish, giant turtles, tiny baby lionfish, baby crocodilefish, snake eels, pipefish, big schools of jackfish, the cutest little yellow clown frogfish and so on and so on! At Sipadan i finally saw the barracuda tornado and it was amazing to see maybe thousand barracudas swimming around above my head. I also got bitten by a moray when I was getting a manicure by some cleaner shrimps. Oh and today I tried to retrieve half a sea urchin from a customers foot. I was unsuccesful so her foot looks like a pin cushion…
Above water we have fun too. Friday nights are getting kind of legendary. There is a local live band playing and they are really good. We are dancing all night then and sometimes we throw each other in the big dunk tanks where we wash our equipment and then we just lie in there 4 or 5 people drinking beer and laughing and all the locals are gathering around us to watch those craaazy foreigners. Or the police stops the party because people are getting naked. Or we go to karaoke and sing some worse than others but all having fun. Or we stay at mabul and play drinking games all night and goes skinny dipping…
Life as a dive master is definitely NOT boring or ordinary…,